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Is My Child a Struggling Reader?

Is My Child a Struggling Reader?

“1 in 5 kids in the U.S. struggle with issues related to reading, writing, math, focus and organization. These kids with learning issues are as smart as their peers, but too many aren’t getting the support they need to succeed.”

– National Centers for Learning Disabilities

Resources for Concerned Parents*

Finding answers to your concerns will provide relief and allow you to approach helping your child with a renewed sense of hope for their reading.

Families can also pursue a private educational evaluation through an agency of psychologists or reading specialists. Here is a list of local agencies and information that may be helpful in your search.

The Child & Family Development Center

Educational specialists that offer evaluations, diagnostic tutoring, academic coaching and other support services.

Psychology Today

Browse an extensive directory of testing and evaluation therapists near you.

Lindamood Bell Learning Processes

Can provide a reading evaluation and recommend specific tutoring.  Lindamood-Bell programs focus on the sensory-cognitive processing necessary for reading and comprehension.


A multisensory tutoring method proven effective for children facing a reading disability.

Resources for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities

The Fletcher School

A local Charlotte based school that specializes in teaching children with reading disabilities.

The Rankin Institute

A local institute that provides outreach, workshops and information for parents who have children with reading disabilities.

The John Crosland School

Founded in 1978, Crosland was the first school in North Carolina dedicated to the education of children with learning and attention differences. They serve students with ADHD/focusing, dyslexia, executive functioning, processing information, expressive/receptive language, navigating common social skills, following directions, reading comprehension, dysgraphia and dyscalculia issues.

The Wilson Language Training

Resources for parents and teachers to help support students with dyslexia.

Barton Reading and Spelling System

A tutoring system for children, teenagers, or adults who struggle with spelling, reading, and writing due to dyslexia or a learning disability.

* These links are provided as a resource for parents and are in no way endorsed or sponsored by Home Reading Helper or Read Charlotte. 

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