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Pre-K | October Activities

Month-by-Month Literacy Activities to Get Ready for Kindergarten!

Get your child ready for literacy in Kindergarten through simple everyday activities and play!

Kids can learn valuable skills through small, teachable moments during a normal day. This means no grueling work sessions with flash cards, buying expensive educational toys or completing tedious worksheets!

These free Pre-K reading activities for October can help your child get an early start on reading!

Language Skills and Story Comprehension

It’s important for children to be able to hear a story, then retell you the events in order. This can be done in a simple way. You can ask: “What happened in the beginning? The middle? What happened at the end?”  

Read a farm book like The Hat by Jan Brett and tell the order that the animals appear in the story. “Who comes first? Who comes second? Who is last?”

Make it a habit of asking your child to retell you the important events of any story you read together.

Phonemic Awareness

Songs are a wonderful way to help children distinguish sounds from words and to build vocabulary skills. This month, teach your child to sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on his farm he had a cow
With a moo moo here
And a moo moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo moo
Old MacDonald had a farm

Letter Knowledge

  • When you sing the alphabet song with your child, have them point to each letter. Here is a free printable of the alphabet you can print out and use.
  • Letters: d, r
  • Letter Activities:
    • D, d is for duck
    • R is for rabbit
      • My Friend Rabbit by Eric Rohrman
      • Use rainbow colors (markers, paint) to write letter R.


My Writing Kit. Instill a love of writing by giving your child their very own writing tools. This could be a basket of blank paper, a coloring book and crayons or washable markers to use to write and draw. If they have older siblings, make sure to distinguish that this is their own special basket.


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